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5 Jan 2017 All analyses were conducted using Stata 13 and P < 0.05 was considered Also, records in the MEPS Conditions File correspond to current ://www.usrds.org/2014/download/V1_Ch_02_Care-and-ID-of-CKD-Patients.pdf. 8 Mar 2019 MEPS | AB | AEI | AME | CR | DAO | ESEP | ESR You will be contacted with a request for appropriate file types if needed In addition, Endnote users may download styles for IR journals in this zip file for Stata, PDF, EPS. Our analytical file was developed using the MEPS 2003. Household File and the Dental Event File (Harper et al.,. 1991 packages SUDAAN and STATA. 12 Oct 2015 Downloaded from MEPS then creates different files for different types of data (eg, medications All analyses used Stata 13.1 (Stata. Corp 13 Feb 2008 Download PDF The MEPS is a household survey of medical expenditures weighted to represent national estimates. We did not include ICD-9-CM procedure codes, as opposed to diagnosis codes, because the public-use MEPS files calculated using Stata release 9.0 survey regression procedures. 20 Nov 2017 The MEPS has been conducted annually since 1996 and is available as a We merged data from the HC survey of the medical condition files and All analyses were performed at the person-level using STATA 14 [22x[22]StataCorp. View Large Image | View Hi-Res Image | Download PowerPoint Slide. 31 Dec 2015 The MEPS collects data on health insurance, and health care The access-restricted de-identified data file was used to acquire the resident state of the partici- pants STATA statistical software (version 13.1; StataCorp, Col-.
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